Expertise Term: breast cancer
Beningo, KarenWayne State UniversityEditorial Board Member
Name: Beningo, Karen
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Wayne State University
Department: Biological Sciences
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: breast cancer, calpain, cell adhesion, cell migration, collagen, extracellular matrix, extracellular matrix protein, fibroblast, fibronectin, integrin
Chen, CeshiKunming Institute of Zoology, CASEditorial Board Member
Name: Chen, Ceshi
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Kunming Institute of Zoology, CAS
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: breast cancer, cancer stem cells, cell cycle, cell death, gene transcription, protein degradation, signal transduction, transcription factor, tumor cell biology, ubiquitin ligase
Delgado-Calle, JesusUniversity of Arkansas for Medical SciencesEditorial Board Member
Name: Delgado-Calle, Jesus
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: bone, breast cancer, cancer, multiple myeloma, Notch pathway, tumor metastasis, tumor microenvironment, Wnt signaling
Keri, RuthCleveland ClinicEditorial Board Member
Name: Keri, Ruth
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Cleveland Clinic
Department: Cancer Biology
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: breast cancer, cancer therapy, development, mammary gland, mouse, signal transduction, steroid hormone receptor, transcription regulation, tumor cell biology, tumor metastasis
Sahin, OzgurMedical University of South CarolinaEditorial Board Member
Name: Sahin, Ozgur
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Medical University of South Carolina
Department: Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: breast cancer
Shaw, LeslieUniversity of Massachusetts Chan Medical SchoolEditorial Board Member
Name: Shaw, Leslie
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
Department: Molecular, Cell & Cancer Biology
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: breast cancer, cancer biology, cell invasion, cell signaling, insulin receptor, insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1), insulin-like growth factor (IGF), integrin, metastasis, signal transduction
Sweeney, ColleenUC Davis School of MedicineEditorial Board Member
Name: Sweeney, Colleen
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: UC Davis School of Medicine
Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Medicine
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: breast cancer, cancer stem cells, mammary gland, protein degradation, receptor tyrosine kinase, signal transduction, tumor cell biology, tumor metastasis, tumor suppressor gene, ubiquitylation (ubiquitination)