Expertise Term: post-transcriptional regulation
Dinman, JonathanUniversity of Maryland College of Chemical and Life Sciences: University of Maryland at College Park College of Computer Mathematical and Natural ScieEditorial Board Member
Name: Dinman, Jonathan
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: University of Maryland College of Chemical and Life Sciences: University of Maryland at College Park College of Computer Mathematical and Natural Scie
Department: Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: mRNA decay, post-transcriptional regulation, ribosome, ribosome function, RNA folding, RNA virus, transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA), translation control, translation elongation factor, yeast
Hundley, HeatherIndiana University BloomingtonEditorial Board Member
Name: Hundley, Heather
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Indiana University Bloomington
Department: Biology
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), glioblastoma, molecular bases of disease, molecular biology, post-transcriptional regulation, RNA, RNA editing, RNA modification, transcriptomics
Pinheiro, AndersonFederal University of Rio de JaneiroEditorial Board Member
Name: Pinheiro, Anderson
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Department: Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Chemistry
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: alternative splicing, biophysics, intrinsically disordered protein, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), post-transcriptional regulation, protein dynamic, protein structure, protein-nucleic acid interaction, RNA binding protein, structural biology
Tu, Shih-LongAcademia SinicaEditorial Board Member
Name: Tu, Shih-Long
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Academia Sinica
Department: Institute of Plant & Microbial Biology
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: alternative splicing, gene regulation, photobiology, photomorphogenesis, Photoreceptor, plant biochemistry, plant molecular biology, post-transcriptional regulation, RNA binding protein, RNA splicing