Expertise Term: antigen presentation
Denzin, LisaRutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical SchoolEditorial Board Member
Name: Denzin, Lisa
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Department: CHINJ/Pediatrics
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: antibody, antigen, antigen presentation, antigen processing, autoimmunity, dendritic cell, intracellular trafficking, membrane trafficking, T helper cells, viral immunology
Dustin, MichaelOxford University: University of OxfordEditorial Board Member
Name: Dustin, Michael
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Oxford University: University of Oxford
Department: NDORMS/Kennedy Institute
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: antigen presentation, autoimmunity, cell adhesion, cell migration, cellular immune response, confocal microscopy, extracellular vesicles, fluorescence, immunology, signal transduction
Margulies, DavidNational Institutes of HealthEditorial Board Member
Name: Margulies, David
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: National Institutes of Health
Department: Laboratory of Immune System biology
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: antibody engineering, antigen presentation, biosensor, cell surface protein, immunology, major histocompatibility complex (MHC), natural killer cells (NK cells), protein structure, T-cell, X-ray crystallography
Zajonc, DirkProtillion BiosciencesEditorial Board Member
Name: Zajonc, Dirk
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Protillion Biosciences
Department: R&D
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: antibody, antigen presentation, cell surface receptor, glycobiology, glycolipid structure, immunology, protein crystallization, protein purification, structural biology, T-cell receptor (TCR)