Expertise Term: gene silencing
Bell, Stan OliverKeck School of Medicine of the University of Southern CaliforniaEditorial Board Member
Name: Bell, Stan Oliver
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California
Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: epigenetics, functional genomics, gene regulation, gene silencing, genomics, heterochromatin, polycomb
Shi, HuazhongTexas Tech UniversityEditorial Board Member
Name: Shi, Huazhong
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Texas Tech University
Department: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: abscisic acid (ABA), alternative splicing, Arabidopsis, chromatin remodeling, DNA transcription, gene expression, gene mapping, gene regulation, gene silencing, membrane trafficking, membrane transport, molecular genetics, plant, plant molecular biology, polyamine, RNA helicase, RNA turnover, signal transduction, sodium transport, sodium-proton exchange, sulfotransferase, transcription regulation, transcription repressor