Expertise Term: carbohydrate function
Angata, TakashiAcademia SinicaEditorial Board Member
Name: Angata, Takashi
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Academia Sinica
Department: Institute of Biological Chemistry
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: carbohydrate biosynthesis, carbohydrate function, carbohydrate-binding protein, glycobiology, glycosylation, glycosyltransferase, lectin, sialic acid, sialidase, sialyltransferase
Gerardy-Schahn, RitaHannover Medical SchoolEditorial Board Member
Name: Gerardy-Schahn, Rita
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Hannover Medical School
Department: Institute of Clinical Biochemistry
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: carbohydrate function, carbohydrate-binding protein, glycobiology, polysaccharide, sialic acid, sialidase, sialyltransferase
Hinderlich, StephanBeuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin - University of Applied SciencesEditorial Board Member
Name: Hinderlich, Stephan
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin - University of Applied Sciences
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: carbohydrate biosynthesis, carbohydrate function, carbohydrate metabolism, enzyme, enzyme catalysis, enzyme purification, extracellular matrix, glycobiology, glycoconjugate, glycomics, glycoprotein, glycoprotein biosynthesis, glycoprotein structure, glycosylation, metabolic engineering, sialic acid