Expertise Term: checkpoint control
Sancar, AzizThe University of North Carolina at Chapel HillEditorial Board Member
Name: Sancar, Aziz
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Department: Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: checkpoint control, circadian clock, cryptochrome, DNA damage, DNA enzyme, DNA repair, flavoprotein, nucleic acid enzymology, nucleotide excision repair, transcription repressor
Wu, XiaohuaThe Scripps Research InstituteEditorial Board Member
Name: Wu, Xiaohua
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: The Scripps Research Institute
Department: Molecular Medicine
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: BRCA1, checkpoint control, chromosomes, DNA damage, DNA damage response, DNA recombination, DNA repair, genomic instability, homologous recombination, tumor suppressor gene
Yan, ShanUNC Charlotte Department of Biological SciencesEditorial Board Member
Name: Yan, Shan
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: UNC Charlotte Department of Biological Sciences
Department: Biological Sciences
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: base excision repair (BER), checkpoint control, DNA damage response, DNA endonuclease, DNA repair, genomic instability, molecular biology, molecular genetics, oncogene, signal transduction