Expertise Term: brain tumor
Burma, SandeepThe University of Texas Health Science Center at San AntonioEditorial Board Member
Name: Burma, Sandeep
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Department: Department of Neurosurgery
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: brain tumor, cancer, cancer therapy, cell cycle, cellular senescence, cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK), DNA damage, DNA damage response, DNA repair, glioblastoma
Huang, EricThe University of UtahEditorial Board Member
Name: Huang, Eric
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: The University of Utah
Department: Neurosurgery
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: brain tumor, cancer biology, epigenetics, glioblastoma, hypoxia, hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF), tumor cell biology, tumor metabolism, tumor microenvironment, Warburg effect