Expertise Term: cardiac hypertrophy
Boivin, BenoitUniversity at AlbanyEditorial Board Member
Name: Boivin, Benoit
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: University at Albany
Department: Nanobioscience
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: cancer, cardiac hypertrophy, cell signaling, phosphatase, phosphorylation, protein phosphatase, reactive oxygen species (ROS), redox regulation, redox signaling, signal transduction
Davis, JonathanThe Ohio State UniversityEditorial Board Member
Name: Davis, Jonathan
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: The Ohio State University
Department: Physiology and Cell Biology
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: calcium-binding protein, calmodulin (CaM), cardiac hypertrophy, cardiac muscle, cardiovascular disease, contractile protein, kinetics, protein-protein interaction, skeletal muscle, troponin
Ng, DominicThe University of QueenslandEditorial Board Member
Name: Ng, Dominic
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: The University of Queensland
Department: School of Biomedical Science
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), cardiac hypertrophy, extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK), microtubule, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), neural stem cell (NSC), signal transduction, skeletal muscle, STAT3
Shenoy, SudhaDuke University School of MedicineEditorial Board Member
Name: Shenoy, Sudha
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Duke University School of Medicine
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: arrestin, autophagy, cardiac hypertrophy, deubiquitylation (deubiquitination), endocytosis, G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), lysosome, sumoylation, trafficking, ubiquitylation (ubiquitination)
Smrcka, AlanUniversity of Michigan-Ann ArborEditorial Board Member
Name: Smrcka, Alan
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Department: Pharmacology
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: adenylate cyclase (adenylyl cyclase), adrenergic receptor, cardiac hypertrophy, G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), heterotrimeric G protein, phosphatidylinositol signaling, Phospholipase C, protein drug interaction, protein purification, signal transduction
Sundaresan, NagalingamIndian Institute of ScienceEditorial Board Member
Name: Sundaresan, Nagalingam
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Indian Institute of Science
Department: Microbiology and Cell Biology
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: acetylation, ADP-ribosylation, aging, Akt PKB, c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), cardiac hypertrophy, cardiac metabolism, cardiac muscle, cardiomyocyte, cardiomyopathy, cardiovascular, cardiovascular disease, cell biology, cell death, cell signaling, cellular senescence, chromatin remodeling, diabetes, fibroblast, fibrosis, gene regulation, gene transcription, glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3), heart failure, histone acetylase, histone acetylation, histone deacetylase (HDAC), histone modification, insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1), insulin resistance, insulin-like growth factor (IGF), mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), molecular bases of disease, muscle atrophy, muscle hypertrophy, muscle physiology, muscle regeneration, myocardial infarction, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), oxidative stress, post-translational modification (PTM), sirtuin, sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), transforming growth factor beta (TGF-B), Type 2 diabetes, Wnt signaling
Swank, DouglasRensselaer Polytechnic InstituteEditorial Board Member
Name: Swank, Douglas
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Department: Biological Sciences
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: cardiac hypertrophy, cardiac muscle, contractile protein, Drosophila, drosophila genetics, molecular motor, muscle, myosin, skeletal muscle, troponin
Wang, YibinDuke-NUS: Duke-NUS Medical SchoolEditorial Board Member
Name: Wang, Yibin
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Duke-NUS: Duke-NUS Medical School
Department: Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: cardiac hypertrophy, cardiovascular disease, gene knockout, gene regulation, genomics, heart failure, mitochondria, mitochondrial metabolism, RNA splicing, signal transduction
Yang, XiaoState Key Laboratory of Proteomics: Beijing Proteome Research CenterEditorial Board Member
Name: Yang, Xiao
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: State Key Laboratory of Proteomics: Beijing Proteome Research Center
Department: Genetic Laboratory of Development and Disease
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: cardiac hypertrophy, cardiovascular disease, chondrocyte, endothelial cell, gene knockout, molecular bases of disease, SMAD transcription factor, transforming growth factor beta (TGF-B), vascular biology