Expertise Term: iron
Grinter, RhysUniversity of MelbourneEditorial Board Member
Name: Grinter, Rhys
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: University of Melbourne
Department: Biochemistry and Pharmacology
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: antibiotic action, enzyme catalysis, gram-negative bacteria, iron, membrane protein, microbiology, outer membrane, protein purification, protein structure, structural biology
Pierce, BradThe University of AlabamaEditorial Board Member
Name: Pierce, Brad
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: The University of Alabama
Department: Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: dioxygenase, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), enzyme catalysis, iron, kinetics, manganese, metalloenzyme, oxidase, oxidative stress, spectroscopy
Reddi, AmitGeorgia Tech: Georgia Institute of TechnologyEditorial Board Member
Name: Reddi, Amit
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Georgia Tech: Georgia Institute of Technology
Department: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: heme, iron, iron metabolism, manganese, metal homeostasis, metalloenzyme, reactive oxygen species (ROS), redox regulation, redox signaling, superoxide dismutase (SOD)