Expertise Term: schizophrenia
Park, Sang KiPohang University of Science and TechnologyEditorial Board Member
Name: Park, Sang Ki
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Pohang University of Science and Technology
Department: Department of Life Sciences
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: calcium imaging, cytoskeleton, depression, dopamine, mitochondria, neurobiology, neurodevelopment, neuron, schizophrenia, subcellular organelle
Siderovski, DavidUniversity of North Texas SystemEditorial Board Member
Name: Siderovski, David
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: University of North Texas System
Department: Pharmacology & Neuroscience
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: addiction, cell signaling, G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF), heterotrimeric G protein, regulator of G protein signaling (RGS), schizophrenia, signal transduction, signaling, surface plasmon resonance (SPR)