Expertise Term: Selected reaction monitoring
Bisson, NicolasCentre de Recherche du CHU de Québec - Université LavalEditorial Board Member
Name: Bisson, Nicolas
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Centre de Recherche du CHU de Québec - Université Laval
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: Affinity proteomics, Affinity tagging, Growth factors, Mass Spectrometry, Multiple reaction monitoring, Networks, Peptide Interactions, Selected reaction monitoring, SH2/SH3 Domains, Signal Transduction, Signaling Circuits, Signaling Molecules, Substrate identification, Systems biology
Ludwig, ChristinaTechnical University of MunichEditorial Board Member
Name: Ludwig, Christina
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Technical University of Munich
Department: Bavarian Center for Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry (BayBioMS)
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: Absolute quantification, Label-free quantification, Mass Spectrometry, Microbes, Multiple reaction monitoring, Parallel reaction monitoring, Phosphoproteome, Selected reaction monitoring, SWATH-MS, Targeted mass spectrometry