Expertise Term: Cellular organelles
Thibault, PierreUniversite de MontrealAssociate Editor
Name: Thibault, Pierre
Role: Associate Editor
Institution: Universite de Montreal
Department: Institute for Research in Immunology &Cancer
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: Acetylation, Cellular organelles, Immunology, Phosphoproteins, Protein Modification, Quantification, Separation Technologies, Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Bergeron, JohnMcGill UniversityEditorial Board Member
Name: Bergeron, John
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: McGill University
Department: Department of Medicine
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: Cell fractionation, Cell secretion, Cellular organelles, Chaperone, Degradomics, Developmental biology, Electron Microscopy, Endocytosis, Exocytosis, Glycoproteins
Foster, LeonardThe University of British ColumbiaEditorial Board Member
Name: Foster, Leonard
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: The University of British Columbia
Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: Bioinformatics, Cellular organelles, Host-Pathogen Interaction, Immunology, Lipid rafts, Membranes, Post-translational modifications, Proteogenomics, SILAC, Subcellular Separation
Ivanov, AlexanderNortheastern UniversityEditorial Board Member
Name: Ivanov, Alexander
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: Northeastern University
Department: 360 Huntington Ave., 412TF
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: Cellular organelles, Chromatography, Electrophoresis, Mass Spectrometry, Pathway Analysis, Peptides, Phosphoproteins, Post-translational modifications, Secretome, Separation Technologies
Youn, Ji-YoungThe Hospital for Sick ChildrenEditorial Board Member
Name: Youn, Ji-Young
Role: Editorial Board Member
Institution: The Hospital for Sick Children
Department: Molecular Medicine
Subject Categories:
Expertise Terms: Affinity proteomics, Cellular organelles, Label-free quantification, Molecular biology, Ribonucleoproteins, Subcellular analysis, SWATH-MS, Systems biology